Montag, 9. Oktober 2017

Install and integrate ESP32 (ESP-WROOM-32) in Arduino IDE

Illustration 1: ESP32 DEVKIT V1 (

To use ESP-WROOM-32 in your Arduino IDE we have to set some settings first.

  1.  Navigate to your Arduino directory where all the Arduino stuff is there. In my case it is 
    cd /Users/mohammed/Documents/Arduino
    Illustration 2: Enter Arduino directory

  2. Now execute the following commands to create a folder in your Arduino directory and download the needed components to integrate ESP-32 in your Arduino IDE.

    mkdir hardware
    cd hardware
    mkdir espressif
    cd espressif
    clone esp32

    Illustration 3: Get ESP-32 components to integrate in Arduino IDE
  3. Now navigate to directory tools with cd /esp32/tools and execute the python script via command python to bind the GNU Tools and the ESP32 Software Development Kit into Arduino IDE. After finish restart your Arduino IDE.

    Illustration 4: Installing ESP-32 components Arduino IDE
  4. Now you are finished. After restart your Arduino IDE you can find your ESP32 board in Tools->Boards->ESP32 Dev Module. Now you are almost finished.

    Illustration 5: ESP32 Board in Arduino Boards

  5.  For serial communication you have to download and install SiLabsUSBDriverDisk for your system (OS X).

For programming we have to configure some settings first before we start. Click on tools and set the following settings:

  • Board: "ESP32 Dev Module"
  • Flash Mode: "QIO"
  • Flash Frequency: "80MHz"
  • Flash Size: "4MB (32MB)"
  • Upload Speed: "115200"
  • Core Debug Level: "None"
  • Port: "/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART"
Now you are ready. After these procedure it is recommended to restart Arduino IDE.

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